Locally-based and nationally known, Alpine Remediation takes on projects nationwide.

Alpine has completed injections at countless sites over the last 20 years including active and former gas stations, dry cleaners, manufacturing facilities, oil and gas batteries, pipelines, refineries, as well as within residential neighborhoods. We have completed injections indoors and out. We have encountered many types of lithologies from flowing sands to fractured bedrock. Injections have been performed of various media at low and high pressures. Regardless of your project, there is a good chance we have performed injections at similar site and can bring that knowledge and experience to help your project proceed as efficiently as possible. Below is a sample of some representative projects.

Drilling equipment with mountains in the background
  • BOS-200® injections

    Injections at a former truck stop to treat hydrocarbon contamination

    Case Study

  • Maintenance facility with Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

    Site conditions were not conductive to direct push technology (DPT)

    Remedial Design Characterization (RDC)

    Case Study

  • Maintenance facility with Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

    Site conditions were not conductive to direct push technology (DPT)

    Remedial Design Characterization (RDC)

    Case Study

  • Activity: BOS-200® injections

    Injections in a clay lithology to treat hydrocarbon contamination in the vadose zone, NFA issued

    Case Study

  • Activity: BOS-200® injections

    Injections at an active site in sandy lithology to treat hydrocarbon contamination

    Case Study

  • Activity: BOS-200® injections

    Injections at an active site to treat free-phase hydrocarbons in a clay lithology

    Case Study

  • Activity: BOS-200® injections

    Injections at a former gas station, NFA issued (scroll down to Building 606)

    Case Study

  • Activity: BOS-200® injections

    Injections at an active gas station to treat hydrocarbon contamination

    Case Study

  • Activity: BOS-200® injections

    Injections at a former gas station to treat hydrocarbon contamination in a clay lithology

    Case Study

  • Activity: BOS-200® injections

    Injections at an active bus facility to treat hydrocarbon contamination

    Case Study

  • BOS-200® injections

    Injections at an active truck stop to treat hydrocarbon contamination

    Case Study

Injections, Petroleum Sites

  • Overburden Drilling Excentric (ODEX) into alluvial formation with large boulders to predrill injection locations

    Injection of RPI’s BOS-200®

    Case Study

  • Remedial Design Characterization (RDC). Injection of RPI’s BOS-200®. Challenging lithology

    Case Study

  • Former Leaking Underground Storage Tank (UST) site for maintenance vehicles

    Remedial Design Characterization (RDC)

    Injection of RPI’s BOS-200® into challenging lithology

    Case Study

  • Remedial Design Characterization (RDC)

    Injection of RPI’s BOS-200®

    Direct-Push Technology (DPT) injections telescoped through small diameter hollow stem augers

    Case Study

  • Remedial Design Characterization (RDC)

    Injection of RPI’s BOS-100® into challenging lithology

    Case Study

  • Injections of BOS-200® at a former gas station facility. 1.5” rods were telescoped through hollow stem augers to inject below a caliche layer that direct push rods were unable to advance through.

  • Injections of BOS-200® at a former gas station facility through sonic boreholes using custom high-pressure straddle packers with a 2-foot injection interval. The lithology at the site was weathered bedrock.

  • Injections of BOS-200® through sonic boreholes using custom high-pressure straddle packers with a 2-foot injection interval. The site lithology was fractured bedrock and was is situated on steep hillside, limiting the areas that are accessible for injections.

  • Injections of BOS-200® in fractured bedrock. The installation was performed by first augering the locations, filling with bentonite and hydrating. Direct push rods were then used to advance back down the borehole to complete the injections.

Injections, Difficult Lithology

  • Shallow injections of EVO at a Dry-cleaning facility

    Case Study

  • Large Scale Well Injections of PersulfOx

    Case Study

  • Injections of EVO at a currently operating manufacturing facility. Injections occurred through wells using packers. 

  • Direct-push injection of Klozur at a federal facility. 

  • Injections of BOS-100® in flowing sands

  • Injections of over 110,000 gallons of a 6% of PersulfOx® (~60,000 lbs) into injection wells at a landfill. A high flow/low pressure pump and custom eductor mixing system was used to accelerate the production rate.

  • Injections of BOS-100®, lactate, and KB-1® at a heavily contaminated former manufacturing facility over the course of 7 years.

  • Injections of BOS-100® at a former dry cleaner in stiff clays, both inside and outside the building.

  •  Injections of KB-1® at an operating medical equipment facility. Injections occured both inside and outside the building.

Injections, Industrial Sites

  • Abandoned Former Uranium Mine

    Direct Push Soil Sampling utilizing a large barrel soil sampler

    Hollow Stem Auger continuous core sampling & monitoring well installations

    Case Study

  • Multiple 2-inch Wells Installed throughout the park

    Case Study
