Alpine offers several custom-built injection platforms, direct-push rigs, and a high-torque CME-55 to cover a variety of project needs. Our fleet of equipment supports your projects ranging from environmental sampling and well installations to In-Situ remediation. Alpine’s custom-built injection platforms are designed to safely and efficiently deliver a wide variety of reagents. Alpine’s fleet of rigs utilizes industry trusted tooling and support equipment, including air-rotary, direct push, traditional hollow stem, and ODEX. We have many options for addressing the variety of lithologies that exist from site to site.
Injection Trucks (2)
Alpine’s injection pumps and mixing systems are completely housed in International box trucks with curtain sides. The trucks contain two Wanner D-35 injection pumps and a custom-built mixing system. The injection pumps are capable of up to 70 gallons per minute when operated in parallel and 1200 psi. Alpine has the capability to modify the equipment to meet each job’s specific needs. Alpine’s injection trucks minimize onsite footprint, a very important feature when working at operating businesses.
AMS Power Probe™ 9520 VTR Track Rig
The 9520-VTR PowerProbe™ is a versatile track drill rig that can be used in most environmental applications. The 9520 is one of the largest direct push rigs available. The 9520 has more HP and improved fuel economy and emissions when compared to the older 9500 model. The 9520 also has an ergonomic control panel, updated hydraulics, auxiliary output connections, and dual dozer blade. The 9520 weighs 9,400 pounds and is 5’5” wide, 14’4” long, and 14’8” tall when the mast is fully extended. The 9520 is capable of 36,000 pounds of downforce and 48,000 pounds of pullback force. Additionally, the 9520 can turn augers with 4,000 ft-lbs of auger torque.
AMS Power Probe™ 9500-VTR Track Rig
The 9500-VTR Power PowerProbe™ is a versatile track drill rig that can be used in most environmental applications. The 9500 is one of the largest direct push rigs available. The 9500 weighs 8,400 pounds and is 6’ wide, 13’10” long, and 13’6” tall with the mast fully extended. The 9500 is capable of 35,300 pounds of down force, and 47,500 pounds of pullback force. Additionally, the 9500 can turn augers with 3,400 ft-lbs of auger torque.
CME 55 Auger Rig mounted on a Peterbilt 4x2 Truck
The CME-55 has been the standard of its class for over 40 years. The CME-55 is a medium sized auger rig perfect for most environmental and geotechnical applications when DPT won’t suffice. The CME-55 has 28,275 pounds of retract force and 9,400 ft-lbs of rotary torque. The CME-55 is capable of drilling holes up to 14.75 inches in diameter using conventional or hollow-stem augers. The rig is equipped with a Monyo water pump, hydraulic rod holder and breakout wrench, 140-pound automatic SPT hammer, 260-gallon water tank, and hydraulic leveling jacks. The CME is also used to advance ODEX tooling.
Skid Mounted Injection Pump
Alpine also has a full mixing system and Wanner D-35 injection pump on a portable skid. The injection pump is capable of up to 35 gallons per minute and can be moved with a forklift. The skid will also fit in a conex, so it can be shipped to remote locations.
Vermeer V500 Vacuum Excavator systems (Potholers) (2)
The Vermeer V500 trailer mounted vacuum excavator systems include a 1,200-cfm blower, a triplex piston water pump that can be adjusted from 50 to 3,000 psi, and a 500-gallon tank for pre-clearing boreholes prior to sampling or injections. The removed soil can be drummed on site for disposal or transported to a disposal location of your choice.

Custom Injection and Remediation Systems
Alpine can build custom injection and mobile remediation systems to suit. Some examples are:
High flow/ low pressure (150gpm/40psi) injection system with a custom eductor mixing system
Groundwater recirculation and oxygenation system